Conference on ICF in schools organized by ‘Education for All’ Skopje
The main theme of the conference was the practical implementation of the ICF in schools, and it gathered more than 80 professionals (teachers, psychologists, school pedagogues, special educators and rehabilitators, parents and school administration representatives) from 30 different institutions. The presentations of professor Manfred Pretis, PhD (Dr. Pretsi SINN), professor Silvia Kopp-Sixt, MA (The University College of Teacher Education Styria), professor Dudu Melek Er-Sabuncuoglu, PhD (Istinye University Istanbul/CGEDER), and Goran Petrushev (Macedonian Association of Special Educators and Rehabilitators) and the workshops held by professor Manfred Pretis, PhD and Katerina Todorova, MA (Medical School Hamburg) were evaluated as very interesting and useful for the participants. “Education for All - a Language for All in School” conference was organized in the frames of the ’Common Language in Schools’ project.